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REx-PN Test Centers

The REx-PN is offered at domestic and international test centers. Appointments can be scheduled online or over the phone with Pearson VUE Candidate Services. Changes to international appointments can only be done by calling Pearson VUE Candidate Services.

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Test Center Definitions


Test Center Type

Candidates Taking the REx-PN


Candidates Seeking Canadian Licensure/Registration

Canadian Provinces\Territories and the mainland United States



Candidates Seeking Canadian Licensure/Registration

Test centers outside of the Canadian Provinces/Territories and the mainland United States

* International locations where the REx-PN is offered include Australia, Brazil, France, Hong Kong, India, Israel, Japan, Kenya, Malaysia, Mexico, Philippines, Puerto Rico, South Africa, Spain, Taiwan, Türkiye and United Kingdom. More information regarding these international test centers can be found here.